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Simplifying Symfony Containerization with DDEV at SymfonyCon 2024

· One min read
Stephan Hochdörfer
Head of IT Business Operations

I've been selected to speak at SymfonyCon Vienna 2024 in December. At the conference, I will present a brand-new talk called "Simplifying Symfony Containerization with DDEV".

The talk covers our story at bitExpert of how and why we have migrated (almost) all of our Docker setups to DDEV as it simplifies the interaction with Docker and Docker Compose by offering a standardized input layer but still allowing for customizations.

In the talk, I will introduce the audience to DDEV and demonstrate how to install and integrate it into a Symfony project. I will also showcase how to extend DDEV and interact with your Symfony application.

If you are new to DDEV or want to understand why we chose DDEV, you should not miss this talk!