Nomad Variable Interpolation
Writing Nomad Job files isn't that hard. Once you understand the basic structure, you can quickly write job files to deploy an application on a Nomad cluster.
Writing Nomad Job files isn't that hard. Once you understand the basic structure, you can quickly write job files to deploy an application on a Nomad cluster.
When setting up our first version of our internal Nomad cluster 6 years ago, we quickly realized that we also needed a secrets management solution. Vault, being another product from Hashicorp, was the natural fit for our needs.
One year ago, IONOS Cloud added a new feature to their Container registry: Vulnerability Scanning. This blog post will give you an overview of how the feature can be used in your software development workflow.
One of our customers sent me a database dump that contained wrongly encoded characters like "ä" or "ü." Can I fix this on my own, or should I let the customer provide me with a properly encoded database dump?
We've been using a self-hosted GitLab instance for our customer projects since the end of 2015. We immediately jumped on GitLab CI when it was first released to replace our old Jenkins infrastructure with a more modern pipeline-as-code approach.
I've been selected to speak at SyliusCon 2024 in November. At the conference, I will present a brand-new talk called "Simplifying Sylius Containerization with DDEV".
I've been selected to speak at SymfonyCon Vienna 2024 in December. At the conference, I will present a brand-new talk called "Simplifying Symfony Containerization with DDEV".
Recently, failures occurred randomly in our GitLab CI pipelines when pushing docker images to our internal Docker registry.
In the GitLab CI output, all I saw was the following error:
error parsing HTTP 499 response body: invalid character 'C' looking for
beginning of value: "Client Closed Request"
While checking the Magento log files of a Magento instance we recently migrated, I came across the following MySQL warning:
Memory size allocated for the temporary table is more than 20% of innodb_buffer_pool_size. Please update innodb_buffer_pool_size
or decrease batch size value (which decreases memory usages for the temporary table).
Current batch size: 417; Allocated memory size: 40032000 bytes; InnoDB buffer pool size: 134217728 bytes.
Can we conditionally use Traefik Basic Auth? I don't want to use Basic Auth for requests coming from the same server due to solving an issue with a third-party tool that was not able to deal with URLs containing basic auth credentials.