PHPUGFFM 04/24 meetup
On September 26th, the PHPUG Frankfurt meetup will meet again after our regular summer break with some interesting talks and discussions.
On September 26th, the PHPUG Frankfurt meetup will meet again after our regular summer break with some interesting talks and discussions.
Can we conditionally use Traefik Basic Auth? I don't want to use Basic Auth for requests coming from the same server due to solving an issue with a third-party tool that was not able to deal with URLs containing basic auth credentials.
In a recent Magento upgrade project for one of our merchants, I encountered a problem with the production database during the setup:upgrade
With the Sulu CMS 2.6.0 release, Sulu Admin got support for OIDC authentication. That means we can finally manage Sulu CMS access via Entra ID.
In a recent project, we dealt with 2 DDEV instances — 2 applications that need to communicate with each other or, more specifically, exchange files.
Hashicorp Nomad is a simple and flexible scheduler and orchestrator that helps organizations reduce operational overhead and maximize infrastructure usage. We've been using Nomad to run our internal workloads since about 2018.
On August 29th, the PHP meetup Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar meeting again to discuss all the things PHP.
Sometimes, you need to patch your project files until a bugfix is shipped to the upstream repository. cweagans/composer-patches is a Composer package that automates applying patches during the Composer install procedure.