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PHP Developer Day 2024 Dresden (20.09.2024)

Need a MACH-ready Search Engine? Choose Gally.

Sylius Days 2024 Mannheim (18.04.2024 - 19.04.2024)

Enhancing your customers’ search experience with Gally

PHP Usergroup Rhein-Neckar 2024 (29.02.2024)

PHP ist tot? Lang lebe FrankenPHP!

PHP Usergroup Frankfurt 2024 (18.01.2024)

Enhancing your customers’ search experience with Gally

PHP Usergroup Rheinhessen 2024 (10.01.2024)

Enhancing your customers’ search experience with Gally

SyliusCon 2023 (07.11.2023)

Enhancing your customers’ search experience with Gally

API Platform Conference 2023 (21.09.2023 - 22.09.2023)

Converting a legacy app with API Platform

PHPUGFFM 2023 (14.09.2023)

Converting a legacy app with API Platform

PHP Usergroup Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar (31.08.2023)

Converting a legacy app with API Platform

MageTitans UK Conference 2023 (22.04.2023)

The road to more resilience

PHP-Usergroup Münster 01/2023 (26.01.2023)

How good are my tests? Konferenz 2022 (28.09.2022 - 30.09.2022)

Wie gut sind meine Tests?

Magento Stammtisch Rhein-Main 2022 (07.09.2022)

The road to more resilience: an introduction to static code analysis

PHPUG Dresden Meetup BBQ 2022 (25.08.2022)

The road to more resilience: an introduction to static code analysis

PHPUG Dresden Meetup 03/2022 (14.03.2022)

How good are my tests?

Magento Meetup Switzerland 09/21 (16.09.2021)

Tools to improve the quality of your Magento project

PHPBenelux Meetup 08/2021 (12.08.2021)

Tools to improve the quality of your Magento project

PHPMINDS Meetup 03/2021 (11.03.2021)

How good are my tests?

ConFoo 2021 (24.02.2021 - 26.02.2021)

From dev to prod with GitLab CI
How good are my tests?

igphp Meetup 02/2021 (02.02.2021)

How good are my tests?

PHPBenelux Meetup 01/2021 (14.01.2021)

How good are my tests?

PHPCON Japan 2020 (12.12.2020)

How good are my tests?

HASHITALKS 2020 (03.12.2020)

From dev to Nomad with GitLab CI

Frankfurt TYPO3 Meetup 2020 (27.10.2020)

How good are my tests?

MAGECONF 2020 (24.10.2020)

Tools to improve the quality of your Magento project

PHPSW 2020 (08.07.2020)

How good are my tests?

PHPRussia (13.05.2020)

time is an illusion

PHPUGFFM 2020 (19.03.2020)

How good are my tests?

PHP UG Darmstadt 1/20 (12.02.2020)

How good are my tests?

PHPBenelux 2020 (24.01.2020 - 25.01.2020)

How good are my tests?
A speeddate with Alice and Bob

PHPUG Rheinhessen (21.01.2020)

How good are my tests?

Mage Unconference 2019 (30.11.2019 - 01.12.2019)

time is an illusion
Tools to improve the quality of your Magento project

Web Engineering Aachen (13.11.2019)

time is an illusion


From dev to prod with GitLab CI

PHP Usergroup Bremen (23.10.2019)

Disco - A Fresh Look at DI

International PHP Conference 2019 (21.10.2019-25.10.2019)

How to tame a unicorn

010PHP Rotterdam (10.10.2019)

From dev to prod with GitLab CI

Symfony Live Berlin 2019 (24.09.2019 - 27.09.2019)

Wie gut sind meine Tests wirklich?

PHPUGMRN 04/19 (29.08.2019)

Softwarequalität prüfen und verbessern

PHP Johannesburg Meetup (15.08.2019)

Gamify your growth as a developer?

PHP User Group Munich 2019 (24.07.2019)

From dev to prod with GitLab CI

Dutch PHP Conference 2019 (06.06.2019 - 08.06.2019)

The first contact - How to handle contact forms

GroningenPHP (06.06.2019)

How to tame a unicorn

PHP Serbia 2019 (25.05.2019 - 26.05.2019)

The First Contact - How to handle contact forms

Los Angeles Magento Group (23.05.2019)

Magento from dev to prod with GitLab CI Developer Meetup (09.05.2019)

From dev to prod with GitLab CI

Meet Magento The Netherlands 2019 (18.04.2019)

Tools to improve the quality of your Magento project

Sencha Community Days 2019 (10.04.2019 - 11.04.2019)

From dev to prod with GitLab CI

ConFoo 2019 (13.03.2019 - 15.03.2019)

The First Contact - How to handle contact forms
How to tame a unicorn

MageTestFest 2019 (05.03.2019 - 08.03.2019)

Tools to improve the quality of your Magento project Developer Meetup (21.02.2019)

The first contact - How to handle registration forms

PHP UK Conference 2019 (20.02.2019 - 22.02.2019)

From dev to prod with GitLab CI

FOSDEM (02.02.2019 - 02.03.2019)

The First Contact

28. Magento-Meetup Wien (05.12.2018)

From dev to prod with GitLab CI

GrowIT Conference 2018 (01.12.2018 - 02.12.2018)

Time is an illusion

PHP.RUHR 2018 (09.11.2018)

Gamify your growth as a Developer

Meet Magento NYC 2018 (01.11.2018 - 02.11.2018)

From dev to prod with GitLab CI

PHP Developer Days Dresden 2018 (21.09.2018 - 22.09.2018)

From dev to prod with GitLab CI

Romania PHP 2018 (21.06.2018 - 22.06.2018)

From dev to prod with GitLab CI

Karlsruher Entwicklertag 2018 (20.06.2018 - 22.06.2018)

From dev to prod with GitLab CI

Meet Magento DE 2018 (18.06.2018 - 19.06.2018)

Magento from dev to prod with GitLab CI

DUTCH PHP CONFERENCE 2018 (07.06.2018 - 09.06.2018)

From dev to prod with GitLab CI

PHPUG DRESDEN (19.04.2018)

From dev to prod with GitLab CI

Meet Magento NL 2018 (01.06.2018)

Magento from dev to prod with GitLab CI

PHP UG Stuttgart 2018 (14.03.2018)

Disco - A Fresh Look at DI

PHP UG FFM 01/18 (18.01.2018)

Confessions of a code poet

PHPBenelux Conference 2018 (26.01.2018 - 27.01.2018)

Disco - A Fresh Look at DI

ConFoo Vancouver 2017 (04.12.2017 - 06.12.2017)

Confessions of a code poet
The NoSQL Store everyone ignores: PostgreSQL
Disco - A Fresh Look at DI

Magento Stammtisch Aachen (09.10.2017)

Dependency Injection in 20min

PHP Northwest 2017 (29.09.2017 - 01.10.2017)

Disco - A Fresh Look at DI

Brussels PHP (06.09.2017)

Disco - A Fresh Look at DI

NomadMage (15.08.2017)

Dependency Injection 101 (for M2 developers)

PHP Developer Day (22.09.2017)

The NoSQL Store everyone ignores: PostgreSQL

PHP Usergroup Karlsruhe (27.07.2017)

Disco - A Fresh Look at DI

PHPAmersfoort July 2017 (18.07.0217)

Disco - A Fresh Look at DI

Symfony UG Köln (21.06.2017)

Disco - A Fresh Look at DI

PHPUG MRN (27.04.2017)

PostgreSQL: Die NoSQL-Datenbank, die niemand kennt

PHPUG MÜNSTER (18.04.2017)

Disco - A Fresh Look at DI

PHPUG DRESDEN (14.03.2017)

Disco - A Fresh Look at DI

Magento Unconference (04.03.2017)

Dependency Injection 101

PHPUG KÖLN (03.03.2017)

Disco - A Fresh Look at DI


Disco - A Fresh Look at DI

PHPUG MRN (08.12.2016)

Disco - A Fresh Look at DI

PHPUG RHH (29.11.2016)

Disco - A Fresh Look at DI

PHPUG FFM 05/16 (17.11.2016)

Disco - A Fresh Look at DI

PHP.RUHR 2016 (10.11.2016)

PostgreSQL: Die NoSQL-Datenbank, die niemand kennt

ZENDCON 2016 (18.10.2016 - 21.10.2016)

Composer for Corporate Use
Jenkins for PHP projects

NOMADPHP 10.2016 (13.10.2016)

"New" is Not Your Enemy!

DUTCH PHP CONFERENCE 2016 (23.06.2016 - 25.06.2016)

Microservices: Packs small, plays BIG!

DEVELOPER WEEK 2016 (20.06.2016 - 23.06.2016)

NoSQL mit PostgreSQL (Dev-Session)


Microservices: Klein, aber oho!
Jenkins for PHP projects

PHPUG RHH (31.05.2016)

Microservices: Klein, aber oho!

PHPUG MS 04/16 (19.04.2016)

Microservices: Klein, aber oho!

PHPUG FFM 02/16 (24.03.2016)

Jenkins for PHP projects

PHPUK 2016 (18.02.2016 - 19.02.2016)

From Vagrant to Production

SUNSHINEPHP 2016 (04.02.2016 - 06.02.2016)

Microservices: Packs small, plays BIG!

PHPUG KA NO. 3 (14.01.2016)

From Vagrant To Production

BITAPPETIZER (11.12.2015)

Einführung in OAuth 2.0

SMART DATA DEVELOPER CONFERENCE 2015 (01.12.2015 - 02.12.2015)

PostgreSQL NoSQL Workshop
PostgreSQL: Die NoSQL-Datenbank, die niemand kennt


Composer im Unternehmensalltag


From Vagrant to Production

ZENDCON 2015 (19.10.2015 - 22.10.2015)

HTML5 Offline Mobile Apps: Real world insights
Microservices: Packs small, plays BIG!

SYMFONY LIVE BERLIN 2015 (13.10.2015 - 16.10.2015)

Microservices: Klein, aber oho!

DATA2DAY 2015 (29.09.2015 - 01.10.2015)

PostgreSQL: Die NoSQL-Datenbank, die niemand kennt

CODE.TALKS 2015 (29.09.2015 - 30.09.2015)

Composer im Unternehmensalltag

DUTCH PHP CONFERENCE 2015 (25.06.2015 - 27.06.2015)

The NoSQL Store everyone ignores: PostgreSQL
Improving the quality of your Javascript application

SHOPWARE COMMUNITY DAY 2015 (04.09.2015)

Offline. Na und?

JENKINS USER CONFERENCE LONDON 2015 (23.06.2015 - 23.06.2015)

Jenkins for PHP projects

NOSQL MATTERS DUBLIN 2015 (04.06.2015)

The NoSQL Store everyone ignores: PostgreSQL

WEBMONTAG MRN 01.2015 (04.05.2015)

Die Kunst Daten zu speichern

MAJUG 2015 (22.04.2015)

Microservices: Klein, aber oho!

JAVALAND 2015 (24.03.2015 - 25.03.2015)

PostgreSQL: Die NoSQL Datenbank die niemand kennt

ZÜRICHPHP (09.03.2015)

Composer for Corporate Use

PHPUG FFM 02/15 (19.03.2015)

Micro Services: Packs small, plays BIG!


Offline. Na und?

PHPUK CONFERENCE 2015 (19.02.2015 - 20.02.2015)

The NoSQL Store everyone ignores: PostgreSQL

PHPBENELUX CONFERENCE 2015 (23.01.2015 - 24.01.2015)

Microservices: Packs small, plays BIG!

SYMFONYLIVE BERLIN 2014 (29.10.2014 - 31.10.2014)

Composer im Unternehmensalltag

DEVELOPER WEEK 2014 (14.07.2014 - 17.07.2014)

PostgreSQL: Die NoSQL Datenbank die niemand kennt

INTERNATIONAL PHP CONFERENCE 2014 (26.10.2014 - 29.10.2014)

From Vagrant to Production
The 7 deadly sins of Dependency Injection

HERBSTCAMPUS 2014 (01.09.2014 - 04.09.2014)

PostgreSQL: Die NoSQL Datenbank die niemand kennt

PHPNW Conference 2014 (03.10.2014 - 05.10.2014)

Composer for Corporate Use

ENTERJS 2014 (30.06.2014 - 02.07.2014)

Offline. Na und?

DUTCH MOBILE CONFERENCE 2014 (26.06.2014 - 28.06.2014)

HTML5 offline mobile apps: Real world insights

UNKONF 2014 (05.04.2014)

PostgreSQL: Die NoSQL Datenbank die niemand kennt

BEDCON 2014 (03.04.2014 - 04.04.2014)

PostgreSQL: Die NoSQL Datenbank die niemand kennt

PHPUG FFM 01/2014 (30.01.2014)

PostgreSQL: Die NoSQL Datenbank die niemand kennt

CONFOO 2014 (24.02.2014 - 28.02.2014)

The 7 deadly sins of Dependency Injection
The setup

WEBMONTAG KARLSRUHE 01.2014 (10.02.2014)

PostgreSQL: Die NoSQL Datenbank die niemand kennt

PHP UK CONFERENCE 2014 (21.02.2014 - 22.02.2014)

The 7 deadly sins of Dependency Injection

PHPBENELUX CONFERENCE 2014 (24.01.2014 - 25.01.2014)

The 7 deadly sins of Dependency Injection
The NoSQL Store everyone ignores: PostgreSQL

TECH PLANET 2013 (14.11.2013)

HTML5 offline apps: Real world insights

HERBSTCAMPUS 2013 (02.09.2013 - 05.09.2013)

Offline. Na und? Strategien für offlinefähige Applikationen in HTML5

DEVELOPER CONFERENCE 2013 (07.11.2013 - 08.11.2013)

PostgreSQL: Die NoSQL Datenbank die niemand kennt

ZENDCON EUROPE CONFERENCE 2013 (18.11.2013 - 20.11.2013)

Phing for power users
Offline strategies for HTML5 mobile applications

FROSCON 2013 (24.08.2013 - 25.08.2013)

Phing for power users
Offline strategies for HTML5 web applications

OSCON 2013 (22.07.2013 - 26.07.2013)

Real World Dependency Injection
Offline Strategies for HTML5 Web Applications

DEVELOPER WEEK 2013 (24.06.2013 - 27.06.2013)

Dependency Injection in PHP - Was, wie, warum?
Offline Strategien für HTML5 Web Applikationen