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Delete recurring meetings in Office 365

· 2 min read
Stephan Hochdörfer
Head of IT Business Operations

Deleting a user account in Office 365 does not automatically delete recurring meetings scheduled by that user. How to delete those meetings when the user account does not exist anymore?

There can be found plenty of solutions online. The one that worked best for me so far is to use Remove-CalendarEvents Powershell cmdlet, which works for on-premises Exchange as well as the cloud-based service.

Invoke to cmdlet like this to delete all meetings in the future scheduled by the supplied user account:

Remove-CalendarEvents -Identity

To delete past events, add the -QueryStartDate parameter to the query. If the parameter is omitted, today's date is used as the start date. The format of the start date needs to be passed as defined in the Regional Options settings on the computer where you're running the command. In my case, that is

Remove-CalendarEvents -Identity -QueryStartDate 01.01.2023

The cmdlet works fine for all meetings scheduled by the user in question. It fails for meetings set up by the user in question, which are group meetings. In that case, the best thing to do, is open Outlook, select the group calendar in question, and manually delete the event series.