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Workshop Tactical DDD & Hexagonal Architecture

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This blog post was published more than one year ago and might be outdated!
· 3 min read
Stephan Hochdörfer
Head of IT Business Operations

We are glad to be able to host two interesting workshops in our Mannheim office in May. Our friends Ross Tuck and Matthias Noback will come over to deliver their trainings on "Tactical DDD" and "Hexagonal Architecture". Tickets for both trainings can be bought on Eventbrite.

30.05.2015: Tactical DDD Workshop
You've looked at Doctrine. Maybe even shipped a few applications with it. But you don't want to just work with it, you want to thrive with it. In this workshop, we're going to move from creating CRUD models to crafting model layers. We'll discuss breaking down your business into a domain model and learn how to capture it in code. Our emphasis will be practical, pragmatic techniques for bringing the business knowledge into the code, using tools you already know. The result will be more maintainable, easier to test and simpler to understand. Even better, it'll actually do what your clients wanted. Along the way, we'll dive into Doctrine ORM, how it can help us, how it can hinder us, and features you never knew it had.

About Ross Tuck
Ross Tuck has worked in software development for 15 years, throughout a variety of industries. His favorite thing is solving problems for people, occasionally by writing software. He's also a conference speaker, blogger and the author of the upcoming book Discovering Doctrine with DDD.

31.05.2015: Hexagonal Architecture training
You have created one or more Symfony applications. You found out how to leverage the framework to rapidly develop some features. As the application (and your team) got bigger, you started looking for a way to prepare your application for a long and prosperous life. After reading about DDD, BDD, events, command buses, layered and hexagonal architecture, you are left wondering: how can I apply these cool ideas to my everyday Symfony projects? During the Hexagonal Architecture training you'll learn to think in terms of boundaries and cores. You'll learn to apply hexagonal architecture and DDD principles and patterns to your code, which will become simpler and better testable. It'll be much easier to add another interface to your application, like a public API or a command-line interface. And you'll be able to decouple the core of your application from the data storage and any asynchronous aspect of your system, like a message queue.

About Matthias Noback
Matthias Noback started his professional career 12 years ago as a freelance web developer. After working as a PHP developer for various companies, he decided to try something else; though programming will always be his passion, he is now also teaching, writing and consulting. He is the author of A Year With Symfony and Principles of PHP Package Design and regularly posts on his blog PHP & Symfony.