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PHPUGFFM 03/23 meetup

· One min read
Stephan Hochdörfer
Head of IT Business Operations

On the 22nd of May the PHP meetup Frankfurt will meet again in person. The topic of the day is PHPStan - the static code analysis tool for PHP.

In his talk "Extending the PHP Language" Dave Liddament will introduce us to the PHP Language Extension library which offers features such as Java’s package level visibility and C++’s friend feature.

The second talk of the day is by PHPStan core contributor Markus Staab. In his talk "Check SQL queries like a boss" Markus will introduce us to his SQL static analysis tool based on PHPStan.

If you want to know more about PHPStan and hear from the experts why the tool is a MUST, then you should not miss the next meetup in Frankfurt.