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3 posts tagged with "Virtualbox"

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Vagrant 1.8 supports Linked Clones

This blog post might be outdated!
This blog post was published more than one year ago and might be outdated!
· One min read
Stephan Hochdörfer
Head of IT Business Operations

When browsing the Vagrant 1.8 Changelog file I realized that the latest Vagrant version supports Linked Clones which according to the Changelog means that imports during the vagrant up process will run much faster than before. Since it did not work out-of-the-box for me, I had to dig deep in the Vagrant documentation to figure out that you need to explicitly enable the feature. Simply add the following lines to your Vagrant configuration and your vagrant up command will probably run faster than ever:

Vagrant 1.8 Upgrade Issues

This blog post might be outdated!
This blog post was published more than one year ago and might be outdated!
· 2 min read
Stephan Hochdörfer
Head of IT Business Operations

Earlier this morning Mitchell Hashimoto released version 1.8 of Vagrant. I immediately upgraded and quickly hit a problem. After running vagrant up I got this error message:

Converting physical disk to Virtualbox image

This blog post might be outdated!
This blog post was published more than one year ago and might be outdated!
· 2 min read
Stephan Hochdörfer
Head of IT Business Operations

A couple of days ago my little Linux router died after serving me fine for more than 13 years. Unfortunately, I had not a recent backup at hand so I was in need to get access to the disk. Since I had no "old enough" hardware available, I was looking for a way to convert the physical disk into a Virtualbox image which in the end turned out to be quite easy. All you need to do is to create an image of the physical disk using dd and convert that to a .vdi image file via the VBoxManage tool that is shipped with Virtualbox: