20 posts tagged with "Sylius"
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Sylius Days Mannheim 2024
We are thrilled to announce that the highly anticipated second edition of Sylius Days is set to take place on April 18-19 in Mannheim, Germany at bitExpert's office. Mark your calendars and secure your spot now for this must-attend event in the Sylius ecosystem.
Customize the Sylius Checkout
There are multiple things one can customize in the Sylius checkout. For example, you can change the order of checkout steps or come up with a complete custom checkout flow. Or a bit simpler: You can remove or hide specific fields in the checkout process.
What are Sylius Template Events?
Think of Sylius Template Events as a kind of hook in your Twig template that you can extend without modifying the original twig template.
My SyliusCon 2023 review
Last week I traveled to Poznań, Poland to speak at SyliusCon 2023 about the Gally connector we've built for our partner Gally.
Deploying Sylius with Deployer
Deployer is a valuable tool that simplifies and automates the deployment process of PHP applications in a traditional non-container environment.
Avoid sending multiple invoice emails in Sylius
We run into an issue in a Sylius project where we've been using the Sylius InvoicingPlugin as well as the SyliusPayumStripePlugin plugin to handle Stripe payments. Invoice emails were sent out twice to the customer with both plugins active.
Sync Sylius order payment state to an invoice
In a recent Sylius project, we realized that the order payment state is not synchronized with the invoice for the order.