226 posts tagged with "PHP"
View All TagsCustomize the Sylius Checkout
There are multiple things one can customize in the Sylius checkout. For example, you can change the order of checkout steps or come up with a complete custom checkout flow. Or a bit simpler: You can remove or hide specific fields in the checkout process.
Introducing Gally at phpugffm24
On the 18th of January, join the PHPUG Frankfurt meetup at the Reservix office for some great talks and a lot of fun.
Updating Xdebug via PECL in DDEV
Introducing Gally at phpugrhh24
On the 10th of January, the PHPUG Rheinhessen meetup will reboot their meetup and meet again in Mainz at the e3n office.
What are Sylius Template Events?
Think of Sylius Template Events as a kind of hook in your Twig template that you can extend without modifying the original twig template.
Happy Birthday phpugmrn!
8 years ago, we started an experiment: Is there enough interest in the Rhein-Neckar region for a PHP meetup? We set-up a meetup.com and a Twitter account and started making some buzz.
Detect Git secrets leakage with CaptainHookPHP
If you have seen me speak at events in recent years, most likely you have heard me mentioning CaptainHookPHP as being my favorite git hook manager. I really like its flexibility and have covered some of our project setups in some blog posts.
PHPUGMRN 06/23 meetup
The PHP meetup Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar will meet again on the 14th of December 2023 at wawibox in Heidelberg, Germany.
Display RSS feed on your GitHub profile
Can our latest blog posts be rendered on our bitExpert GitHub organization page? This was the challenge I tried to solve. Apparently, yes. In this blog post, I cover all the steps needed to achieve that in this blog post.