216 posts tagged with "PHP"
View All TagsPHPUGMRN 04/24 meetup
On August 29th, the PHP meetup Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar is meeting again to discuss all the things PHP.
Vendor patches, the easy way!
Sometimes, you need to patch your project files until a bugfix is shipped to the upstream repository. cweagans/composer-patches is a Composer package that automates applying patches during the Composer install procedure.
Windows Terminal newTab Menu
2 years ago, I wrote in another blog post that Windows Terminal is one of my favorite and most used tools after migrating to Windows and WSL2. And even today, it is still the same. Windows Terminal is usually the first tool I start after logging into my Windows box.
PHP Developer Day 2024 Conference
On the 20th of September, the PHP Developer Day Conference organized by my friends of the PHP Usergroup Dresden will happen again.
Deploying Sylius on Nomad
PHPUGMRN 03/24 meetup
On June 27th, the PHP meetup Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar is organizing another meetup at the bitExpert office in Mannheim.
Sylius Customer Force Login Module 0.1.0
In the Sylius administrative view, users are required to log in. However, in the storefront view, visitors can navigate freely as guests. Sylius does not offer built-in support if you prefer not to allow guest visitors to access your website without a valid login.
MS Graph API: Filter queries
In response to my blog post about querying groups & planners via the MS Graph API, a friend asked me how to query members of a group without knowing the group ID but just the group name. Let's find out how filters in the MS Graph API work.
Adding wkhtmltopdf to the Sylius Alpine Docker image
While preparing a Sylius Docker image for one of our merchants, I realized that I needed to add wkhtmltopdf to the Alpine Docker image as it is a requirement of the Sylius Invoicing Plugin we are using in the project.