Formatting XML with Twig
Can we render the XML responses from a webservice our application interacts in a better readable way? This was the challenge I asked myself.
Can we render the XML responses from a webservice our application interacts in a better readable way? This was the challenge I asked myself.
One of our customers sent me a database dump that contained wrongly encoded characters like "ä" or "ü." Can I fix this on my own, or should I let the customer provide me with a properly encoded database dump?
On October 31st, the PHP meetup Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar will meet again to discuss all things PHP.
I've been selected to speak at SyliusCon 2024 in November. At the conference, I will present a brand-new talk called "Simplifying Sylius Containerization with DDEV".
In one of our current projects, we have to store sensitive user data in the database. Naturally, I was looking how to best encrypt the data in a Symfony & Doctrine application.
I've been selected to speak at SymfonyCon Vienna 2024 in December. At the conference, I will present a brand-new talk called "Simplifying Symfony Containerization with DDEV".
On September 26th, the PHPUG Frankfurt meetup will meet again after our regular summer break with some interesting talks and discussions.
With the Sulu CMS 2.6.0 release, Sulu Admin got support for OIDC authentication. That means we can finally manage Sulu CMS access via Entra ID.
On August 29th, the PHP meetup Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar is meeting again to discuss all the things PHP.