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225 posts tagged with "PHP"

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Web Developer Conference 2012

· One min read
Stephan Hochdörfer
Head of IT Business Operations

Nils Langner lädt ein und ich komme: Gemeinsam mit Lars Jankowsky, Johann-Peter Hartmann, Bastian Feder, Björn Kaiser und Simon Hohenadl gestalten wir einen Track bei der Web Developer Conference 2012 die vom 17.09.2012 - 18.09.2012 in Hamburg statt findet. Ich werde den Vortrag "Große Systeme, lose Kopplung, Spaß bei der Arbeit!" präsentieren und skizzieren wie man es schafft Komponenten zu entkoppeln um die Wartbarkeit zu vereinfachen.

Silex, Twig and Translation support

This blog post might be outdated!
This blog post was published more than one year ago and might be outdated!
· 2 min read
Stephan Hochdörfer
Head of IT Business Operations

As I have written a couple of days ago, we are using Silex and Twig to build a small application for one of our customers. Since the project was in need of I18N support, we set up the TranslationServiceProvider with the Symfony/Translation component as the Silex documentation advised. Unfortunately I was not able to find a Twig extension allowing us to translate static content within a Twig template, so it was the time to jump in and develop an extension on my own and publish it on github. Simply drop the files in your vendors directory and include the lib/bitExpert/Silex/Autoloader.php file within your application and execute the steps listed below:

Silex and the TranslationServiceProvider and some Composer magic

This blog post might be outdated!
This blog post was published more than one year ago and might be outdated!
· 2 min read
Stephan Hochdörfer
Head of IT Business Operations

First time I am toying with Silex and the Symfony components. To demo an application for one of our customers we quickly set-up Silex and put a small application on top. Since the application was in need for a I18N solution I threw in the TranslationServiceProvider. The documentation of Silex states that "you can simply clone the whole Symfony2 into vendor" which did not make any sense to me. Why using a micro-framework when I have to have Symfony2 installed just for the translation part? I was looking for a alternative and remembered Composer. Composer is a tool written in PHP that helps you manage your project or libraries' dependencies. Luckily the Symfony2 components are using Composer, so we can easily install the required dependencies like this:

Liquibase Extension merged into Phing Master

This blog post might be outdated!
This blog post was published more than one year ago and might be outdated!
· One min read
Stephan Hochdörfer
Head of IT Business Operations

As stated last year, our Liquibase Extension for Phing got merged in the master development branch by the help of Michiel Rook. Next steps will be to provide a decent kind of documentation as well as some already planned optimizations. If everything works out fine, you should be able to use Liquibase soonish from Phing without any work-a-rounds. As always we are looking for pointers for improvement and general feedback. In a soon to follow blog post I`ll try to describe how we use Liquibase in one of your projects.

PHPBenelux 2012 conference

· One min read
Stephan Hochdörfer
Head of IT Business Operations

Vom 27.01.2012 bis zum 28.01.2012 findet in Antwerpen die PHPBenelux conference statt. Ich freue mich mit dem Vortag "The state of DI in PHP" als Sprecher dabei sein zu dürfen. Neben vielen interessanten Vorträgen werden Workshops mit Matthew Weier O’Phinney, Ivo Jansch, Fabien Potencier und Thorsten Rinne angeboten. Der Early Bird Kartenvorverkauf läuft zurzeit noch, sodass Karten recht günstig zu erwerben sind.