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225 posts tagged with "PHP"

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Announcing Adroit v0.4.0

· 2 min read
Peter Hildenbrand

Over the course of the last few months we worked hard to improve our Adroit middleware. The result is the recently released version v0.4.0 which turned Adroit into a "real" ADR / PSR-7 middleware. We extracted the routing component into a separate package called Pathfinder and splitted "monolithic" middleware into smaller components. In addition to that we introduced the concept of several hooks to be able to add "custom logic" in between the execution of the different steps in the ADR workflow.

Announcing Pathfinder v0.4.0

This blog post might be outdated!
This blog post was published more than one year ago and might be outdated!
· 2 min read
Peter Hildenbrand

In our attempt to convert parts of our own internal company framework into a set of open-source components we did not find a routing package that was fully PSR-7 compatible and was able to also generate uris based on the routing definitions. Initially the routing component was part of our Adroit middleware, a middleware focused on PSR-7 as well as the ADR pattern. During our attempt to turn Adroit into a (micro) web framework called Adrenaline we also extracted the routing component into a separate package.

In-depth Disco introduction

This blog post might be outdated!
This blog post was published more than one year ago and might be outdated!
· One min read
Stephan Hochdörfer
Head of IT Business Operations

One problem with releasing open-source components is that code is not the only thing you should care about. Without a decent documentation no one is able to use your component. Sad to say we are guilty as well, e.g. the documentation for Disco our annotation-based PHP Dependency Injection container lacks in in-depth documentation.

Sending mails with attachments in Magento 2

This blog post might be outdated!
This blog post was published more than one year ago and might be outdated!
· One min read
Florian Horn
Business Analyst Digital Sales

The Magento 2 Transport Builder, responsible for preparing a mail message, wraps the mail component of the Zend Framework. Unfortunatly it is missing a method to add attachments. I submitted a Pull Request to Magento 2 to fix the issue but for now we need a work-a-round in our project. First we extend the Magento 2 Transport Builder like this:

Dutch PHP Conference 2016

· One min read
Stephan Hochdörfer
Head of IT Business Operations

Vom 23.06.2016 bis zum 25.06.2016 findet bereits zum 10. Mal in Amsterdam die Dutch PHP Conference statt. Ich freue mich zum siebten Mal in Folge dabei sein zu können und meinen Vortrag "Microservices: Packs small, plays BIG!" präsentieren zu dürfen.

Disco v0.2.0 is out

This blog post might be outdated!
This blog post was published more than one year ago and might be outdated!
· 2 min read
Stephan Hochdörfer
Head of IT Business Operations

Last week when I was in Miami to speak at the SunshinePHP 2016 conference I took the time to prepare the version 0.2.0 release of our PHP DI container called Disco. This release features 2 important changes which I want to highlight in this blog post.