MySQL error code 121: Duplicate key on write or update
While migrating a Magento module to make use of the declarative db schema, I ran into the following MySQL error: MySQL error code 121: Duplicate key on write or update
While migrating a Magento module to make use of the declarative db schema, I ran into the following MySQL error: MySQL error code 121: Duplicate key on write or update
Meet Magento UK went virtual for the past two years as most conferences did, but in 2022 they are back with an in-person, all-day conference again. YEAH!
A few weeks ago, whilst applying the latest security patches for Magento, I ran into a problem in our build pipeline. The patches could be applied locally without any issues, but in our build pipeline applying the patches failed.
A while ago a merchant notified us that it was not possible anymore to edit categories in Magento. In the Magento logs, I found several similar error messages:
A while ago we took over a Magento 1 shop that was migrated over to Magento 2. Some products and categories has a “.html.html” url postfix and the merchant wanted to have this fixed. When data was migrated from Magento 1 shop, the url keys came with ".html" suffix. On Magento 2, you have url_key and url_path attributes that help creating the urls for products and categories. Since the url_key attribute contained the “.html” postfix and url_path appended an additional “.html” postfix, the source of the problem was found.
Whilst setting up a new local Magento development project, I ran into the problem that nginx sometimes errored “Upstream sent too big header while reading response header from upstream”.
After upgrading a Magento 2.1 instance to Magento 2.4, I realized some problems with serialized data. In Magento 2.1 PHPs serialize() and unserialize() functions have been used whilst in Magento 2.2 the default serialization uses json_encode() and json_decode().
Recently, we took over a Magento 2 project where data was migrated from an older Magento 1 instance. The merchant complained that after the migration some customers are not able to log in anymore. Even a password reset did not work.
Whilst I migrated from Linux to Windows and WSL 2 more than a year ago, I had a plan to install any development-related tools like Git or PHPStorm in WSL2. PHPStorm worked quite ok in WSL 2 except that filesystem changes (e.g. adding or removing files) made directly in WSL 2 were not properly recognized by PHPStorm. Even triggering a manual refresh from the disk did not always work. That made me install PHPStorm on Windows and open PHP projects via the WSL 2 integration of PHPStorm. That works better but still has its issues with larger projects.
Besides supporting PHPStan version 1.3, the latest phpstan-magento extension release 0.15.0 adds support for extension attributes for both Magento modules and Magento applications.