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4 posts tagged with "Jenkins"

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Configuring Jenkins Buildnodes the right way

This blog post might be outdated!
This blog post was published more than one year ago and might be outdated!
· 2 min read
Stephan Hochdörfer
Head of IT Business Operations

A few weeks ago I gave a presentation at the Jenkins User Conference London 2015 about how we have set-up and use Jenkins to power our builds. One idea I mentioned in the talk and I`d like to share now is how we bind our jobs to specific buildnodes. Given the fact that we are doing lots of different projects for different clients we have quite a few buildnodes to cover every use case we need. When we started using Jenkins about 4 years ago we bound every job to a set of specific buildnodes (e.g. buildnode01 || buildnode02). When our setup grew, it was not easy to keep up-to-date to figure out which buildnodes offer which capabilities. In the end this lead to jobs failing every now and then because Jenkins picks a buildnode from the list which does have all the required tools installed, this behaviour I call the "Jenkins law".

ConFoo 2014 conference

· One min read
Stephan Hochdörfer
Head of IT Business Operations

Vom 24.02.2014 bis zum 28.02.2014 findet in Montreal die ConFoo 2014 Konferenz statt. Ich bin dieses Mal wieder dabei und kann zwei neue Vorträge präsentieren: Im Vortrag "The seven deadly sins of Dependency Injection" möchte ich darstellen welche Fehler man bei der Verwendung des Dependency Injection Patterns nicht machen sollte. Der Vortrag "The Setup: Composer, Phing, Vagrant, Jenkins" beleuchtet unsere Arbeitsweise mit den genannten Tools soll aufzeigen wie man mit den Tools arbeiten kann (aber nicht muss).