40 posts tagged with "Devops"
View All TagsUndefined array key instance in ArgumentsResolver.php
In the last few days, I was fighting hard to understand and fix an error that occurred when trying to deploy a Magento upgrade in production for one of our merchants.
During the setup:di:compile
phase our CI pipeline crashed with the error Undefined array key "instance" in ArgumentsResolver.php on line 171
Traefik with multiple Docker networks
Sometimes, mostly for smaller customers, we deploy staging and production environments on the same machine. Not an ideal setup, but doable. Thanks to Docker the different instances can live in isolation, except of course when one instance takes the server down, the other instance is also affected.
Multi-stage Docker build with target flag
Not being happy with our current Docker build process in one of our projects, I was researching how to optimize the process.
DevOps Camp compact 2016 Retrospektive
Vor Rund einem Jahr war ich zum ersten Mal bei einem DevOps Camp in Nürnberg. In einem Jahr finden zwei solcher Veranstaltungen statt, einmal das "große" Camp mit über zwei Session-Tage im Frühjahr und das DevOps Camp compact mit einem Session-Tag im Herbst. Typisch für ein Barcamp ist die Planung der Themen und der Session-Ablauf, diese werden erst vor Ort von den Teilnehmern genau definiert.
DevOps Camp 2015 Retrospektive
Im Vergleich zu einem klassischen Barcamp sind beim DevOps Camp die Themenschwerpunkte auf Administration und Entwicklung ausgelegt. Dies war meine erste Teilnahme an einem DevOps Camp. Die Eindrücke waren durchweg positiv.
DevOps Rhein-Neckar Meetup
Am Mittwoch den 18.11.2015 trifft sich die DevOps Rhein-Neckar Usergroup bei uns. Ich werde bei dem Meetup meinen Vortrag "From Vagrant To Production" halten. Anmeldungen bitte auf der entsprechenden meetup.com Seite vornehmen. Danke!
Vagrant Cachier Plugin
There's one plugin for Vagrant which I love to promote in my talks and this is the Cachier plugin. When giving my talks and mentioning the plugin I realized that not many people are aware of the plugin. That's the main reason I write the following lines. The downside of Vagrant is what whenever you destroy a virtual machine and build it again all packages (eg. .deb packages for the OS or Composer packages for the application) need to be downloaded again. Downloading and installing a lot of packages can be quite time consuming which in turn means developers try to avoid it. Which in turn means no one regularly checks if provisioning of the virtual machine still works as it should. The Cachier plugin is the solution for that problem. As the name implies the plugin will cache the downloaded packages and re-use them when possible. To achieve that the plugin will link several folders of the virtual machine back to the host, so that the packages are actually stored on the host, not the vm. Very clever.
Vagrant error - stdin: is not a tty
Every now and then when provisioning a virtual machine with Vagrant I got an error during the provisioning process. Everything seemed to work fine but the error confused me and my developers so I was looking for the source of the error. I came a across a Vagrant bug report where Mitchell Hashimoto explained that "the reason this error message even appears is due to a bug in Ubuntu not checking whether stdin is a TTY, and just assuming it is". One of the comments in the discussion of this "bug" proposed a "bugfix" by adding the following line to the VagrantFile. Up to now this fix works fine for us and you might use it as well:
The bitExpert Vagrant setup
Forced Motivated by Robert Reiz and his blog post about how to set-up a Vagrant environment I thought that it`ll be a good idea to quickly outline how we typically configure Vagrant in our projects. The bare minmium VagrantFile looks like this: