17 posts tagged with "CI"
View All TagsDeploying Sylius with Deployer
Deployer is a valuable tool that simplifies and automates the deployment process of PHP applications in a traditional non-container environment.
Deploying Sulu CMS with Deployer
For traditional non container deployments, Deployer is a value tool to simplify & automate the deployment process of a PHP application. Thanks to its collection of default deployment recipes, Deployer can be used out-of-the-box for deployments.
Deployer & Tideways Deployment Events
For a few of our customer projects, we use Tideways to spot performance bottlenecks and get real-time error detection alerts.
As a bonus, Tideways can track deployment events to compare performance and failure rates before and after the deployment.
Slim down your binaries
Internally we develop our own tools, that we use as CLI. To make it easier to distribute and use them, we create standalone binaries. But often the files are huge.
So let's see how we can make them smaller without losing any functionality.
Linting neon files in CI
I have to admit, I am not the best at editing neon configuration files. I regularly mess that up and then things break. How to fix that? Well, why not lint those files in the CI pipeline?
Easily lint JSON files in CI
In a few projects, we sometimes had the problem, that invalid JSON files were provided by the customer and not checked for errors. To prevent this, we searched for the smallest possible solution.
GitLab CI Runner registration problem
Yesterday, I was running into an issue while trying to register a new GitLab CI Runner with our self-hosted GitLab instance. While that worked fine about 2 weeks ago, it did not this time. The only difference is, that we recently upgraded to version 15.9.2 of GitLab.
Linting nginx config in our Docusaurus CI setup
We've covered the basics of our Docusaurus CI setup already in another blog post. In this blog post, we'll show you how to the build pipeline to lint the nginx configuration used in our Docusaurus setup.