Sylius Days Mannheim 2024
We are thrilled to announce that the highly anticipated second edition of Sylius Days is set to take place on April 18-19 in Mannheim, Germany at bitExpert's office. Mark your calendars and secure your spot now for this must-attend event in the Sylius ecosystem.
Avoid the Stille-Post-Effect with Event Modeling
"Stille Post" is the German name for a children's game known by people around the world. In the USA and Canada, it is called "Telephone", in Poland "Deaf phone" and in England "Chinese whispers".
PHPUGMRN 01/24 meetup
The PHP meetup Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar is organizing another meetup on February 29th in Mannheim, at the bitExpert office.
Techradar 2024 update
One year ago, we shared our initial Techradar version with you. Today, it is time for an update and to highlight what has changed.
Detect expiring todo comments with PHPStan
Customize the Sylius Checkout
There are multiple things one can customize in the Sylius checkout. For example, you can change the order of checkout steps or come up with a complete custom checkout flow. Or a bit simpler: You can remove or hide specific fields in the checkout process.
Spring Modulith introduction (majug24)
On the 24th of January, the Mannheimer Java User Group (majug) will meet again and learn all about Spring Modulith from our former colleague Oliver Drotbohm.
Project management insights by Lee Lambert
We would like to express our gratitude to the PMI Romania Chapter for inviting Lee R. Lambert, one of the PMP founders, to the PM Perspectives 2023 Conference.
Introducing Gally at phpugffm24
On the 18th of January, join the PHPUG Frankfurt meetup at the Reservix office for some great talks and a lot of fun.