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Let's talk about Intrexx (Part 2)

· 3 min read

An interview about the work of a Senior Intrexx project manager

Today we talk with our Senior Intrexx project manager Theodor Barca about the different areas that Intrexx can cover in a company, about the limits of this technology, and about the daily work of an Intrexx project manager. He will tell us how he first heard about this application and how it has steadily enriched his team's customer projects and workflow.

Deploying Azure Function App with Terraform and BitBucket Cloud

This blog post might be outdated!
This blog post was published more than one year ago and might be outdated!
· 5 min read
Florian Horn
Business Analyst Digital Sales

The scenario describes one or more developers committing their changes of code for a serverless Azure Function App ("Function-as-a-Service") and managing the required Azure environment resources only by a declaration in Terraform scheme in the code repository to remain the Single Point of Truth (SPOT).