Mage Titans Manchester 2023 conference review
Last weekend I was giving a talk at the Mage Titans Conference in Manchester.
Last weekend I was giving a talk at the Mage Titans Conference in Manchester.
While improving the page indexing of our blog, I realized that Google still had old urls stored that aren't valid anymore. The challenge in this case: The urls in question could only be identified via specific get parameters.
A while ago when importing a staging dump to reproduce an issue locally in one of our Magento projects, I hit an "ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS" error. Magento kept redirecting me with a HTTP 302 response code.
Last month Microsoft introduced a new release of the Microsoft Graph Developer Proxy. The latest release introduces support for monitoring specific processes, a new plugin allowing testing against rate limiting supported APIs and provides a new OData paging guidance.
Yesterday, we released version 0.30.0 of our bitexpert/phpstan-magento extension for PHPStan.
Sometimes, mostly for smaller customers, we deploy staging and production environments on the same machine. Not an ideal setup, but doable. Thanks to Docker the different instances can live in isolation, except of course when one instance takes the server down, the other instance is also affected.
The PHP meetup Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar will meet again on the 27th of April 2023.
Gally is the latest product of the Elasticsuite family. For years, the Elasticsuite folks built and maintained an Open-Source Magento module to bring top-notch Elasticsearch functionality to Magento.
Last year, the Elasticsuite folks decided to create a new product from their learnings of developing Elasticsuite for about 10 years and make the solution available for any system in need of a good, scalable search solution.
When we created our Mastodon account, we were not sure how toots can be scheduled in advance. In the early days, we used one of the Mastodon Crossposting tools, but when that tool was shut down, we were unsure how to deal with the situation.
Tech changes, quite rapidly. Coming across a blog post that covers outdated information happens frequently to me. Years ago, I came across a blog that displayed a "This blog post might be outdated banner" and I liked that approach.