API Platform Conference 2023
We are more than happy to announce that we'll be speaking at the 2023 edition of the API Platform conference in Lille, France this year.
We are more than happy to announce that we'll be speaking at the 2023 edition of the API Platform conference in Lille, France this year.
Recently, we've been running into a weird problem. After restarting 2 nodes in our Nomad cluster, we could not properly access GitLab via SSH anymore. Web access was working fine, also cloning via https:// worked, but not via SSH which is what most of our developers use by default.
In the last few days, I was fighting hard to understand and fix an error that occurred when trying to deploy a Magento upgrade in production for one of our merchants.
During the setup:di:compile
phase our CI pipeline crashed with the error Undefined array key "instance" in ArgumentsResolver.php on line 171
On the 22nd of May the PHP meetup Frankfurt will meet again in person. The topic of the day is PHPStan - the static code analysis tool for PHP.
Web applications often have bugs, which can lead to security issues. To mitigate the risk of such vulnerabilities, developers can use different solutions. One of them is Content Security Policy (CSP).
Last weekend at the Mage Titans Conference in Manchester, the sansec folks announced their new Composer Integrity Plugin project.
From time to time we are in need to access resources on a different server, and if it's only for a short time. The key is here to rely on simple and readily available tools.
Last weekend I was giving a talk at the Mage Titans Conference in Manchester.
While improving the page indexing of our blog, I realized that Google still had old urls stored that aren't valid anymore. The challenge in this case: The urls in question could only be identified via specific get parameters.
A while ago when importing a staging dump to reproduce an issue locally in one of our Magento projects, I hit an "ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS" error. Magento kept redirecting me with a HTTP 302 response code.