PHPUGFFM 04/23 meetup
On the 14th of September, the PHP meetup Frankfurt will meet again in person. This will be our 22+ year birthday party and include a BBQ sponsored by the Y1 folks. Thanks!
On the 14th of September, the PHP meetup Frankfurt will meet again in person. This will be our 22+ year birthday party and include a BBQ sponsored by the Y1 folks. Thanks!
In a recent Sylius project, we realized that the order payment state is not synchronized with the invoice for the order.
For a few of our customer projects, we use Tideways to spot performance bottlenecks and get real-time error detection alerts.
As a bonus, Tideways can track deployment events to compare performance and failure rates before and after the deployment.
Since we are currently moving to DDEV to standardize our Docker development setups, I was wondering how easy it will be to add my favorite Git Hook Manager CaptainHookPHP to the setup.
The PHP meetup Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar will meet again on the 30th of August 2023 at bitExpert AG in Mannheim, Germany.
We are thrilled to let you know that our annual unKonf event is just around the corner! This barcamp focussing on web and software development topics has been an essential part of our bitExpert DNA since 2013, and we are more than happy to welcome you back in person!
The growing complexity of IDEs has led me to make a shift in a different direction.