Deploying Sylius with Deployer
Deployer is a valuable tool that simplifies and automates the deployment process of PHP applications in a traditional non-container environment.
Deployer is a valuable tool that simplifies and automates the deployment process of PHP applications in a traditional non-container environment.
Following our guide to set up Traefik, Docker, and Compose with multiple networks, I ran into a problem:
a network with name customer_staging_default exists but was not created for project "customer_staging"
Set `external: true` to use an existing network
network customer_staging_default was found but has incorrect label set to "staging_default"
One of my recent tasks was to run an upgrade of a production PostgreSQL database. Since we have PostgreSQL running in a Docker container in our Hashicorp Nomad environment, I assumed it would be enough to switch to a new Docker image and everything would be working fine.
For traditional non container deployments, Deployer is a value tool to simplify & automate the deployment process of a PHP application. Thanks to its collection of default deployment recipes, Deployer can be used out-of-the-box for deployments.
We returned to the charming city of Lille for this year's edition of the API Platform Conference. However, this time, we weren't merely attendees; we were speakers. As we again set foot in France, we knew we were in for another exceptional experience.
We run into an issue in a Sylius project where we've been using the Sylius InvoicingPlugin as well as the SyliusPayumStripePlugin plugin to handle Stripe payments. Invoice emails were sent out twice to the customer with both plugins active.
Since migrating to my Windows 10 & WSL2 setup a few years ago, I regularly try to reclaim disk space from my WSL2 setup by following the steps outlined in Scott Hanselman's blog post. However, this time it did not work as expected.
Recently, we ran into a weird permission problem on OneDrive / Sharepoint with a user account we've set up with an email address that was used more than 2 years ago.
Adding custom Javascript code to the Sulu Admin UI requires a rebuild of the administration interface frontend application. According to the Sulu docs, running the following command is enough:
bin/adminconsole sulu:admin:update-build
Sadly, this did not work in our ddev setup because ddev ships with a newer version of npm. Due to a breaking change for linked packages, Sulu is not compatible with npm > 6 at the moment.
Deleting a user account in Office 365 does not automatically delete recurring meetings scheduled by that user. How to delete those meetings when the user account does not exist anymore?